Hey 👋 ! I'm Andrae Cari

I'm a second-year computer science student at Toronto Metropolitan University 🎓. When I'm not at school, I love to find new experiences, eat new foods, and hang out with friends. I live by the rule of always trying to one-up the person I was yesterday.

I am incredibly passionate about being an active member of my school community! As the Director of Marketing for the TMU Computer Science Course Union, I am thrilled to be at the forefront of driving change and progress in the CS program. I love representing the student body, and I'm constantly inspired by the incredible impact that we can make when we work together toward a common goal.

I have experience working with a range of programming languages, including Python, Java, and full-stack development.

This summer, I will be working at theScore as a QA Analyst Co-op intern.

Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn, or email me here!
